Random Name Picker

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Total: 0

How to Use Random Name Picker

Quick guide and important information

Adding Participants

Enter the name and rate for each participant. The rate determines the likelihood of being picked.

Rate: A numerical value representing the participant's weight in the draw. Higher rates increase the chances of being selected.

Number of Winners

Before picking winners, you can specify how many winners you want to select. This is useful for scenarios where you need multiple winners, such as contests or team selections.

  • Enter the desired number of winners in the "Number of Winners" input field.
  • The app will select this many winners from your participant pool, considering their individual rates.
  • If you specify a number larger than your participant pool, the app will select all participants as winners.

Picking Winners

After setting the number of winners, click the "Pick Winners" button. The app will randomly choose winners based on their rates.


View the selected winners in the Winners tab. This list shows the names and rates of the chosen participants.

Exporting Results

You can export the list of winners for external use or record-keeping.

  • In the Winners tab, click the "Export Winners" button.
  • This will generate a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file containing the winners information.
  • The CSV file will include columns for the winners names and their respective rates.
  • You can open this file in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis or formatting.

Saving Draws

Save your current list of participants and winners for future use or reference.

Draw History

Access your saved draws from the history. You can load a previous draw or delete it if no longer needed.

Important Notes

  • The higher the rate, the more likely a participant is to be selected.
  • You can import participants from an Excel or CSV file for convenience.
  • Make sure to save your draw if you want to keep the results for later.
  • The random selection process ensures fairness while respecting the assigned rates.